Thursday, November 28, 2019

Depeche Mode And Religion Essays - Depeche Mode, Martin Gore

Depeche Mode And Religion Depeche Mode: Songs of Faith and Devotion Originally released in 1993, Depeche Mode's Songs of Faith and Devotion was unveiled to a stunned U.S. and U.K. audience. The band had undergone a transformation of truly gothic preportions. Gone were the short crew cuts, the sole use of synthesizers, and the Gap image. In its place were long and flowing Jesus-like hair, distorted guitars and full drum sections, and a look that some described as the heroine junky mode. Much to the surprise of die-hard fans, the album was a commercial success, spawning a full length live album, 5 top twenty Billboard hits, and a relentless 18 month tour which ended abruptly when keyboardist Alan Wilder quit the band after 16 years. The content of Songs of Faith and Devotion came out of an era of confusion and redemption for the band, and namely from lead singer Dave Gahan's fight with heroine and cocaine addiction. After spending 3 years in seclusion after the release of Violater in 1989, the band reuinited in early 1992 to begin recording a new album. The tone of the album would be so overtly religious that some fans were initially turned off by the constant references to God, holiness, redemption, suffering, and the like. The most glaring example of Depeche Mode's new-found religion is the song Walking in My Shoes. The song was written by Martin Gore in response to the public outrage regarding Dave Gahan's new bad boy image, with his constant public misbehaviour, his new adoration for religious tattoos, and his striking new resemblance to Jesus. The lyrics tell a tale of a man who's life has been turned upside down by trials and tribulations. Like Job before him, many of the problems that Dave Gahan had encountered were beyond his control. The creative tension between Martin Gore and Alan Wilder, the constant touring and public appearances, the death of his mother and father, and a long legal battle with Sire records had taken their toll on Dave's psyche. Martin Gore was always the first to confront Dave, but in this case it was through music that he would best serve the purpose of bringing Dave back from the brink of despair. The first verse of the song introduces us to the characters point of view, with an emphasis on things that are done to him, rather than what he has done to himself I would tell you about the things they put me through The pain I've been subjected to But the Lord himself would blush The countless feasts laid at my feet Forbidden fruits for me to eat But I think your pulse would start to rush The first three lines give the impression that his suffering is not because of God, but in spite of it. The second line has a connection with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Adam indeed had a feast laid at his feet, and the final line seems to imply that the character has more to tell us, but is afraid that we would not be able to understand, or possibly to believe, what he has to offer us. The second verse gives the impression that the character has been made a scapegoat, and is being made an example of Morality would frown upon Decency look down upon This scapegoat fates made of me But I promise now, my judge and jurors My intentions couldn't have been purer My case is easy to see. The first three lines talk of morality and decency, and this is important not only to identify the character as a good person, but also as one who is suffering through no fault of his own. The last three lines talk of intentions, which seems to relate quite literally to the relationship between Job and God. In the Bible, Job suffered so that God might make a point to Satan, and therefore his intentions could be seen as good. While it should be noted that at no time does this character ever profess any type of religious preference, the choice of words leads one to believe that his experiences are of a holy nature. The constant religious references throughout the album give it a very dark and somber mood, but also leaves the work open

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Celia Behind Me analysis Essay Example

Celia Behind Me analysis Essay Example Celia Behind Me analysis Paper Celia Behind Me analysis Paper Being bullied is a serious matter, filling the news are stories of young boys and girls resorting to what they feel is their last option committing suicide. Suicide may have been the victim Of this short storys last resort. In the novel Celia Behind Me by Isabel Hugging, the reader is presented With the horrible story of the 4th grader Celia, told by her own bully and the main character Elizabeth. The story is told as a memory of Elizabeth and is therefore written in past tense. Elizabeth is, in the memory, the age of 9 and is having trouble ruing to fit in with the cool kids at school. These kids favorite hobby is bullying their classmate Celia and though she and Elizabeth are very much alike, she joins in on the bullying. The reader is informed of the recent death of Elizabethan two aunts and an immediate connection between Celia their death is made. Elizabeth makes the simile herself when she compares her mothers description of her aunts accident to the shape of Cilias head. By connecting these things Elizabeth channels all her unresolved feelings to Celia making her hatred of her grow. Elizabethan mother and father seem to be somewhat neglecting her. They have failed in helping her process the loss of her aunts, causing her to be filled with so much hatred, as well as in educating her properly. The mother is instead of teaching her the wrongs of bullying and helping her to handle the situation appropriately, threatening her with karma and a spanking: P. 3, l. 37-p. 4, I. 1. With this absence of instruction in how to handle herself Elizabeth, afraid to be the next victim, bullies Celia and excuses herself with the justification that she is the one who allies Celia the least. The story makes its peak when Elizabeth in the end breaks down and starts beating Celia. She describes the memory of this day as being one she will never forget for this was the day she discovered the darkness inside of her. She goes on explaining how Celia forgave her rather quickly but how she could never forgive her for revealing this darkness inside of her. Elizabeth is a disturbed girl filled with hatred and fear. In the last paragraph of the short story she describes the connection between her fears, tater and social position. She uses the word Echoing P. 6, l. 172-174 clearly displaying the link between these three. The thought of losing her social status with her friends and the hatred of Celia keeps echoing in her mind reminding her of her fear of becoming the next Celia. She explains in the story that she is aware that were it not for Celia she would be the victim; P. 3, l. 56-57. The fear of this brings the negative motivation to bully Celia. The theme of bullying and the consequences that follow clearly dominates this short story. Though other themes such as guilt, shame and visualization come to mind while reading the story, bullying is still the strongest and also most important theme presented in the short story. The fact that she never forgave Celia could explain the title of the short story. By never forgiving Celia she never truly let go or moved on and therefore Celia is still behind her as she was when they were kids walking home from school. Celia reminds Elizabeth of the darkness she discovered that day and now haunts her as a constant reminder echoing in her head.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The development of E-Commerce Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The development of E-Commerce - Research Paper Example Pure or traditional brick and mortar e-tailing is also constituent of e-commerce. The industry has been growing very steadily over the last two decades but one of the issues that concerns modern day e-commerce is the issues related to the security of business transactions (Andam, 2003, pp.6-13). The history of e-commerce can be dated back to the days when computers, internets and modems were invented. Before 1991, the internet (then popularly known as the Arpanet) was not open for public or commercial uses. Hence, it can be said that the true birth of e-commerce was possible only after the year 1991 when the internet was opened for commercial purposes. Initially the term e-commerce referred only to commercial transactions that took place with the help of electronic media and then latest technology such as EDI and EFT. The process of clearing payments related to business transactions simplified drastically. The lead time also reduced significantly and users soon realized the hidden potential e-commerce and its application the corporate world. The e-commerce was readily accepted in the corporate sector because of cost efficiency, faster transactions, lower cost per transactions, and lower documentation requirements. With the advancement of internet, the popularity of online transactions in US grew very rapidly from the year 1991 (Humphrey, Mansell, & Pare, 1999, pp.31-32). The biggest threat in the virtual world of e-commerce was from the transfer of critical business related information or transactions over the public networks such as the internet. It almost took four years to develop the various security protocols including hypertext transfer protocol (http) that allows the users to get speedy and continuous access to internet (Panagariya, 1999, pp.10-11). In the year 2000, many Western European and American companies represented themselves in the World Wide Web

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Judithand Tobit and the Protestant canon Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Judithand Tobit and the Protestant canon - Essay Example God could be described as someone that used magic to heal people especially when he sent the archangel Raphael to heal Tobit and drive the demon from Sarah with the gall, liver and the heart of the fish. The attitude of God towards morality is in question in the books of Judith and Tobit as Judith was not depicted as a woman that was full of morals as she tried to seduce Holofernes (Unger, 1951). The character of God is not consistent with his character in the Protestant canon as there are some inconsistencies in the way God was presented in the Protestant canon when compared with the books of Judith and Tobit. In the Protestant Canon, God does not absolve people of their sins by merely giving alms and being nice to their neighbors. It is divine repentance and grace that make God forgive people of their sins and after this, good works would follow and so is the character of God in the Protestant Canon. God teaches his people to strive to be moral in all their deeds as he loved women of virtue in the protestant canon (Horne, 1841). God does not like violence as the killing of the men of Shechem by Simeon and Levi was condemned by God and this is quite inconsistent with the murder of Holofernes that was carried out by Judith as this was judged as an act of God. God is not magical in the Protestant canon as he makes use of the word to deliver his people of demons and this quite different from what the character of God that was depicted in the book of Tobit when God instructed Angel Raphael to use some magical potions to drive the demon Asmodeous out. In using some sort of magical concoction by using the gall of the fish to heal Tobit’s blindness, God was presented more as a magician but he was presented more as the person that had the authority over all being, by just speaking the word in the Protestant canon (Bruce, 1950). There is however a similarity in the Protestants canon and the books of Tobit and Judith as God sends his angel to his people in their time

Monday, November 18, 2019

Dance Critical Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Dance Critical Analysis - Essay Example Her body was expert in making curved patterns, waves, propels, rises, and drops. Her body movements were quivering and quaking with the music, which was some Egyptian melody. Since I knew that in belly dance, the audience is supposed to give attention to individual movements of all body parts instead of foot movements, I closely observed the patterns the dancer was making with her body parts, and especially, the belly, which was moving with extraordinary vigor and control. I saw that her hands and arms were moving sinuously, just like serpents fly in the air. The background was striking, and the colors in it and the dancer’s dress were vivid and bright. The dance itself was very emotion-evoking, as I found the dancer dancing in the happiness of finding her love. I would love to learn and attempt this dance style, and if I get a chance, I would definitely pay to go see this dance in

Friday, November 15, 2019

Business Issues And The Context Of Human Resources Commerce Essay

Business Issues And The Context Of Human Resources Commerce Essay XX is a leading International Healthcare Group with the purpose to help people lead longer, healthier and happier lives. The organisation does that by providing a broad range of healthcare services, support and advice to people throughout their lives. With no shareholders and its global presence in 190 countires, the organisation is said to be a industry leader. XXX is a 60 years old organisation providing services like Health insurance and Wellbeing, Healthcare provision, Healthcare Analytics and Care Services. The organisations vision to be world leader in the health care sector has been supported by the following objectives: Listen to its customers, act quickly and professionally. Living and Breathing organisations values monitored by HR on regular basis. Make a difference in peoples lives by offering all high quality and value added healthcare Creating diverse and mix work force of highly skilled and knowledgeable employees and invest in their development within the company via organised HR function. This report has been commissioned by the CEO of XXX. FINDINGS 3.1 Forces shaping the HR agenda Our purpose is to help people live longer, healthier, happier lives and the 52,000 people we employ are at the heart of making this a reality. John Handley, HR Director, XXX International It is essential for XXX to have a strong and distinctive identity that clearly seperates the organisation from others in the field. Everyone in XXX has a part to play in this and hence thats where the HR plays a vital role. Examples of External Forces that have shaped the HR agenda are Competition, Markets, Economic trends and the changing face of the Health Industry. Increasing expectations of the customers from the oraganisation and more competitors offering similar policies and products at lower rates, made XXX to look more further into the product designs and customer service management, which resulted in hiring more talented and knowledgeable people skilled in their sector to provide the best customer service to the customers and partners. To make sure that the right number of people are available to service the customers and are able to effectively deliver the right results to the costumers, HR department works in partnership with the management. They decided to provide the right environment for the people to learn, grow and develop them through Innovative Learning Approach and by recognising people for their contribution to the organisations success. By investing into the right people, XXXs objective was to provide the best customer service through all channels to its members. HR proposed to offer its employees both an open environment and an informal culture, encouraging fresh ideas and helping employees realise their true potential. To reflect their different business needs, all the business units have a tailored HR department i.e.operational HR, organisational development, reward, HR systems, employee recognition, and HR support. These units works exclusively to provide a direct, informed and tailored service to meet its unique needs. 3.2 HRs contribution to Organisational Effectiveness Creating competitive advantage through people. Group HR Management works in partnership with the Management. All business units individual HR heads who reports to the HR Director. This is to make sure that all the departments on its own are delivering higher levels of performance to the benefit of our customers and the bottom line. Individual HR in all these units perform common bundle of processes which impacts on organisational performance. Recruitment of talent that matches XXXs values. Leadership and management practices/ competencies Performance management Succession planning Recognition Organisational climate and workplace environment Facilitating effective change management Management development and training Career development 360 feedback tools All business units have their own Administration and Training departments. The Administration department looks after Payroll, HR Systems and Database Management to make sure that all the employee details are correct, secure and as a result in them being treated fairly. All the employees are paid correctly It has its own Change Management team who deals with changes in processes and work culture. The Training department works in partnership with the business in all individual units to create appropriate, skilled and tailored training solutions to keep up with the changing business needs. 3.3 HRs roles and functions in management structures XXX HR Map Administration Training Departments are in each business units and have individual Change Management Teams IS HR Organisational Development HR Director HR UK Membership International HR Group HR Management Development Care Services Information Systems HR Training Development Group HR Functions Reward Recognition Business Technology Training IS Resource Management Group Resource Management Pensions Benefits HR Systems XXX One Life HR within XXX works as a strategic partner, hence plays a very important role in finance, operations and other business departments within the organisation. The main objective is to provide high returns on the businesss investment in its people. XXX does not follow any set models of HR but do relates with the Harvard model in some manner. It sees employees as resources. It emphasises on issues like involving people in decision making and developing an organisational culture based on trust and teamwork. It has shared goals for coordination and control and a flat structure to minimise status culture. It employs the multiple stakeholder model in which employees are seen as having interests along with other stakeholders, management, unions and government. The HR outlines four main policy areas which are Human resource flows : HR manages the flow of people within XXXs individual business units through recruitment and selection, through the organisation by placement, appraisal and promotion and lastly through out of the organisation by termination. It also makes sure at right number of people are available at all the times according to the business needs. Reward Systems : Even though each business unit has separate Reward System in place, it serves a common purpose to attract, motivate and keep employees happy within the organisation. Employee Influence : People being the heart of the organisation, their views and concerns are given equal importance as of stakeholders and customers. Work Systems : With the ever changing business needs and the medical climate, XXX makes sure that the information and technology used within the organisation provides the best outcomes. The HR function in all the business units currently concentrates on achieving the four Cs of the model. Commitment, Congruence, Competence, Cost Effectiveness. The XXXs hr structure also somehow resembles the Ulrichs hr model as all the business units do individually have their own separate departments to deal with change, strategies and administration. 3.4 Business Ethics and Accountability XXX follows a code of professional ethics which are based on the principles that determine the way employees behave and Brand personality that describes the way employees are suppose to perceive. Brand Values : Caring we genuinely care about peoples health and wellbeing. We exist for no other reason. Respectful : We respect peoples individuality, privacy and dignity and try to respond to their individual needs. Ethical : We are committed to acting responsibly and in the best interests of people and the environments. Enabling : We empower people with our knowledge and experience to help them choose the most appropriate solutions. Dedicated : We are dedicated to providing a professional, reassuring service and seek oppurtunities to go the extra mile to exceed peoples expectations. Accountable : We are accountable for the quality, efficiency and value of our services, and act in the best interests of our customers. Brand Personality : Warm Human Caring Understanding Approachable Health Care Expert Global Outlook BUPA Employee Individual Business units do have their own code of conducts in line with the group values. For example, the training and development department in all units have professional code of conduct from the Institute of Management Consultants which covers ethics as Integrity, Independence, Objectivity and Responsbility to the profession. All the core values and ethics are explained on the XXXs intranet which is available for all the employees across the organisation. It clearly mentions how employees are expected to act in relation to the various policies like Treating Customers Fairly, Health and Safety at work, Data Matters, Security Matters Policy and Data Protection Policy As a global healthcare company, XXX deals with the personal details, medical data and financial records of millions of people around the world. Protecting that information is essential is a key responsibility for all of us. XXX Chief Executive XXX as a major healthcare services provider, plays a very important role in designing and delivering medical procedures and policies. It works closely with NHS and makes sure that all the treatments offered to the members in their centres are within the medical guidelines applied by NICE (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence). XXX has its media policy, Risk Management and Fraud Protection policies. XXX has its own Corporate Responsbility and Sustainability Policy under which it is made sure that healthcare expertise is used in the way that is good for business and communities. It covers many areas including employee giving support and volunteering, community health and wellness partnerships, addressing and minimising our impact on environment and affiliations with like-minded businesses and organisations (e.g Nuffield Health Centres, Physio Centres, Conservative treatment centres, etc.) XXX is an active partner with Life Education which supports youth health and drug education programs and with Can Too to raise funds for Cure Cancer. The Group HR provides support, encouragement and motivation to its employees to participate in various activities conducted to fulfil its corporate responsibility. Employees are expected to actively promote these services while having interactions with the customers at all the times. 4.1 HRs role in strategy formulation and interpretation All organisations will at some point need to focus on the activities and actions that it will undertake to meet its long term aims and objectives. XXXs vision taking care of the lives in our hands is at the heart of all strategies that are planned and practiced within the organisation. The two main objectives helping HR to form strategies within the organisation are Management capability : Through validated processes and development, this objective is met by XXX recruiting, retaining and developing managers the meet the business challenges of today and future. It involves different strategies designed around Recruitment, Core competencies, Performance Management, Succession Planning, XXX One Life, Climate Surveys, Change Management, Management Development, Career Development, 360 feedback tools and Customisable Questionnaire. Enabling systems and processes : This objective is met by developing and maintaining a performance-oriented culture. It includes Induction and Measures of Success. Business priorities are cascaded through the different levels of the organisation through a process whereby they become increasingly more detailed and focused. They trigger departmental objectives which are translated into team objectives and in turn provide the foundation for personal objectives which are based on SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timebound) targets that are to be met on consistent basis. These objectives are discussed, set and measured as part of the performance management plan of all employees depending on their roles and business units. XXX does not fit into any particular model of relationship between the HRM and the Business Strategies but it does work on the theories based within these models. In the best fit model (Schuler and Jackson example), employees are seen as key in the implementation of the declared organisational strategy and the HR strategy is designed to fit with this. XXXs individual departments propose strategies to be implemented via management surrounding functions, systems and processes within the department which enable the functional strategy to be achieved. This is then responded by the HR by defining the strategy to meet organisational needs. In the Resource based approach, the focus is to sustain competitive advantage through development of human capital rather than aligning human resources to current strategic goals. XXX invests in regular development of its employees within the organisation to make sure that they are updated with all the knowledge required to perform their job well and so to add value to the company. 4.2 Business and HR Strategies Each business within XXX evaluates its current position, its market and competitor environement and identifies its key strategies and plans in its annual 3 Strategic Year Plan (explained in 5.3). They work together in order to achieve common objectives of the organisation. Two of these most important objectives to be achieved in XXX are Cost Control : To utilise the resources in the most productive and effective way. To recruit and retain effective and skilled staff More training and development options to the existing employees to perform various roles Flexible working patterns according to the business needs Authorising treatments that are medically appropriate and within clinical guidelines only, leaving a small room for exceptional cases Covering as many as health-care workers to work within XXX limits to make sure that the customers are happy with the policies Competion : to regularly update the products and services offered within the health and care sector. To provide best customer service on levels of the business To design and offer most flexible and tailored policies to the members. To retain customers by offering alternative treatment options and longer support services. HRs role in meeting this objectives has been analyised through SWOT/STEEPLE which looks at the internal strengths and weaknesses and the external oppurtunities and threats. Below is the combined SWOT Analysis for XXX Strenghts : No Shareholders : this enables all the profits to be utilised to provide better customer service and products to the members. People : highly skilled and mix work force which knowledge of various sectors and products. Team of qualified health care consultants and providers. Customer-focus work culture Technology : Most advanced technology in the health care sector relating to the processes and procedures for medical treatments. Guidance on health issues online and on the phone. Operations : Working with various organisations and health groups to provide the best health care to everyone. Weeknesses : No Shareholders : If profits margins not gained, not enough money to invest back into the business People : mix work force and long-serving staff who are resistant to change. People lacking knowledge of all the departments as specialising in one specific area. Operations : because of the high turn-over of the staff, no standard operating procedures. Regular changes to keep up with the changing demands of the business. Cost-control : Staff redundancies in many business units resulting in low moral within the organisation and heavy work load on the rest of the workforce. Oppurtunities : Partnership with various organisations within the healthcare sector. As a lead health care service provider, had access to higher numbers of consultants and medically trained people Works closely with NHS, hence very influential when it comes to decisions relating medical treatments and funding for certain experimental treatments International presence to make sure private healthcare is available and provided to people around the world. Threats : Competition from other insurance providers who offer private health insurances on lower rates. Outsourcing of many business units which lacks communication and information transformation in a quick and appropriate manner. Higher medical costs which makes the premiums of the policies go higher every year. Increased customer demands to cover more experimental treatments and drugs because of globalisation. 4.3 Vertical and Horizontal Integration XXX works with NHS and other health-care providers to provide better health care services. The Vertical Integration is practiced within XXX as many of the services are offered via other providers who specialises in Travel, Home Care and Conservative treatment. This does serves the purpose to achieve the organisation to provide more treatment options to its customers which results in more appropriate and affordable policies been given to its customers. The option of been treated via NHS or Privately is always available for the customers leaving room for them to choose the most appropriate and time-saving option. The horizontal integration is defined within XXX as all the HR functions are inter-related and inter-connected to each-other. This is achieved by a business units specially looking for skilled employees in customer service, information technology, nursing and administration sector which leads to internal recruitment or resourcing, further leading to development, performance management, rewards and recognition and employee relations. 5.1 HRs role in Business Planning The Global expansion of XXX in the current times have resulted in fine-tuning of the policies and functions throughout the organisation to ensure that required support is provided to drive XXX forward. This has created a demanding and fast changing environment to work in. XXX expect high standards from every one of its team members and in return offer the opportunity to enhance their career with one of the most biggest and most successful brands in private healthcare. HR being the part of the Organisation Development team within the Group functions, has a very wide role to play to achieve the organisations one common goal. It works to make sure that all business units within XXX had right level of people with right level of skills are available to effectively deliver results to its customers at all times. Introduction to flexible working hours, change in employment contracts, inter-departmental transfers to suit the business needs, more systems and procedures to work with resulted in introduction to the change management team within HR of all business units. The things that caused XXX to go through change are Challenges of growth within global market i.e increasing cost of medical treatments and more experimental treatments introduced within UK market Technological changes i.e different technologies to work with to make sure that all processes and procedures are up to date according to the changing demands of the business Customer Pressure i.e. customers looking for more options and better services at lower costs The HRs involvement in various aspects of change was identified as Restructuring the recruitment and resourcing policies Advising team managers in skills available within the organisation, career development and transfer oppurtunities. Assessing the impact of change in one department on another part of the organisation. Making sure that the communication is clear and consistent within all departments of all business units within the organisations. Helping its to cope with change , performance management and motivation. 5.2 Environmental Planning It is very important for XXX to scan through the environment and consider all the present and future forces affecting the direction and goals of the organisation. Environment Planning involves external factors like trends and markets and internal factors like infrastructure and personnel. The STEEPLE analysis for XXX shows all the forces affecting organisational change Social Technology Economic Environment Political Legal Ethical Lifestyle changes of the customers involved with the company Energy costs and usage Inflation rates Natural resrouces Regulations related to private healthcare Employment Laws Reputation Living conditions of its employees and customers related to the business Changes in IT new systems and processes Consumer confidence within the companys products and services Strong Environmental policy Safety regulations Consumer Protection Business Ethics Income distribution within the community New inventions and software developments Medical costs Recycling Trade policies/ globalisation Trade Unions Client Confidentiality 5.3 Measures of Effectiveness What gets measured, gets attention and gets done. Tom Peters XXX has its own business priorities. To keep them accountable and focused on their key objectives, all businesses in XXX go through an annual process of setting their major priorities for the coming year. These are agreed in annual meetings, together with the key financial targets and from the basis of what the business will be measured on the following year. This is a similar process as Performance Management in employees. The organisation has The 3 year Strategic Plan (3YP) which describes the direction the Group as a whole and the individual business units will take over the next 3 years. This plan is completed every year and is an important part of XXXs strategy and planning processes. Group HR delivers this plan to different business units which is then cascaded to its employees. The context of each business is then evaluated on the basis of three important management tools. The Annual Operating Plan : It sets the detailed financial targets for the year for each individual department including HR. (sets targets for sales, costs, profits, etc) The Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for each individual in each business units. Thess are set of key operational, customer, strategic and people performance metrics. The Business priorties : The change acceptance rate of all individuals within the organisation. All these tools are available on organisations intranet for the convenience of all its employees. Performances of the employees are measured with the Brand values and behaviours been achieved, delivered and maintained. These are maintanined within the organisaiton as Performance Review and once completed along with the Development Plans are then sent to their respective HRs administration department who works closely with the training and development team to provide immediate attention to key issues. This process of measuring the human capital and oraganisations data provides a clearer picture within the working culture of the organisation. So, in this way, management, training and development team and HR administration works together to manage people and policies to achieve set business objectives. CONCLUSIONS XXXs vision to provide the best healthcare options in the world to every individual possible is a long term goal to be achieved along with the changing face of the medical sector and economic trends. It provides value-added products and services to its customers on the possible grounds making sure that the increasing private health insurance cost does not put the customer off from using the private healthcare. It needs policies and procedures to be updated all the time to match the technology offered within the market. XXXs diverse network of organisational structure which is divided in separate business units gives an opportunity to the organisation to look into greater details and specialise in its area of expertise. HR within XXX perform within its own business units providing tailored services to its people which makes its more approachable and easier for it to stay in touch with the business requirements. International HR looking after all the aspects of border control, trade ru les and regulations, etc contributes highly to the organisation to go through globalisation. The Group HR looks after all the functions of the organisational development and Rewards recognition which is kept separate from the administration department to give it more time and resources to look into organisational strategies and planning and run smoothly. Though it looks like a complex structure, it does allow the organisation to perform and deliver its objectives on consistent basis. People being the heart of the business, the organisations investment in its resources is incredibly valued. RECOMMENDATIONS Leadership Development : Employees within the organisation to go through planned management traingin to deliver consistent business results. HR to be more influential in individuals growth through a leadership development programme. This should discussed and put in place in the next 3YP meeting. More uniformed structure of Training and Development : Stuctured and uniform induction program for all employees delivered by HR. Learning and Development team then to look into more specialised training of its employees. This should be auctioned immediately with ongoing continuous improvement plan. Adaption of Competency Framework : Even though employees are evaluated on the brand values and behaviours, a competency based mapping should be followed in the performance development plans. This will help to achieve higher levels of organisational and employee effectiveness.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Free Essays - Comparing Time in Macbeth and As You Like It :: comparison compare contrast essays

A Comparison of Time in Macbeth and As You Like It  Ã‚     In Shakespearean drama, a dynamic and explosive fusion of jealousy, pride, anger and ambition is characteristic for heroes’ behaviour. The tragedy was caused by the excessive flaw in character - self-respect and dignity combined with the feelings of hate and revenge. A disaster usually occurred to lead to destruction of the protagonist. Due to divine justice, punishment is inevitable and therefore no happy ending is possible. Therefore, time is the hero’s main enemy, mercilessly working against him. The mystery of tragedy is that once the protagonist has learnt a lesson of how to renew the order in himself, death is the only outcome /no memento mori, however/. Comedy differs in the mood it approaches and addresses life. It presents situations which deal with common ground of man’s social experience rather than limits of his behaviour – it is not life in the tragic mode, lived at the difficult and perilous limits of the human condition. In â€Å"Macbeth† the first scene presents a meeting of three witches during stormy weather. Shakespeare shows disturbed, angry nature - thunder and lighting represent light - daytime and dark – night-time. Light is the metaphor for innocence, purity, truth, and goodness as opposed to dark - evil. It is also a suggestion that the innocent will suffer as well as the guilty. The fog and filthy air signify moral and spiritual obscurity and â€Å"the set of sun† means the end of the reign and kingship. The sun appears only twice – when Duncan sees the swallows flying around the castle of death and during the army gathering to purify the earth of its shame (traitors). There is very strong sense of predestination (‘when’ instead of ‘if’) while in â€Å"As You Like It† Orlando’s flight is pathless and the meeting of lovers – an act of Fate. In both plays the succession of the scenes is very swift; in tragedy the impression is that longer time elapsed than provided for because passage from thought to a critical resolution is difficult. The outcome of the comedy is obvious while Macbeth enters the spiral of decline within his imagination. Sleep has been banished – the protagonist is aware of the nightmare; his only one dream is the murder which would break the cycle and show the way out of the nightmare – liberation.